Cristina Aroche

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5. Peace At Last

I was sipping my coffee, listening to my husband as he was excitedly telling me the next steps I would need to take to finally get a long-standing project of mine off the ground.

“But I don’t know how to do that”, I said as I rolled my eyes.

“Yes you do. I’ve seen you do it a million times and you’re really good at it”, he replied back.

The resistance that I felt to doing this part of the technical work for the project was strong. It made me believe that I didn’t have what it took to get it done. But after a lot of pushback from others, no responses and other obstacles, there wasn’t much of a choice left.

“Just try it. Make a sample and just see how it goes. I know you can do it”, my husband insisted.

“Fine”, I said hesitantly.

When I sat down at my computer to begin the work, I could feel how my mind was expecting it to fail or for something to go wrong early on. To my surprise, as I was going through the process of doing the graphic design work that I had resisted, I found myself enjoying it.

As I continued, I could feel the shift in my body and mind. I was so lit up and so excited doing this. I could see my long-standing vision for the project coming to life right before my eyes. I couldn’t believe it!

For the next few nights, after the kids went to bed, I’d stay up late and eagerly continue the work that, thanks to my husband’s relentless belief in me, was now set in motion. I would show him my progress and we would both get so excited about the unfolding of it.

My beliefs had now made a complete 180° shift. What I once thought was a task that only the “professionals” could help me with, I now realized was something I was fully capable (and happy) to do myself. This also made me realize how much I was blocking myself from my own progress. In this moment, I recognized how our destiny really is in the power of our own hands. 

This isn’t to say that we shouldn’t hire professional help or ask for assistance from others, as these things are very valuable in their own right. However, it is important to recognize that when things don’t go as expected, it’s not a reason to quit. “Where there’s a will, there’s a way” is a very accurate quote for this.

As I made significant progress on this project, I realized that I was truly walking the third path that I had discovered. I wasn’t just thinking about it. I was actually doing it. It was an invitation from God, with the door wide open and ready for me to walk through it. The only thing we were waiting on was for me to decide that I was ready. Once I had made that decision, it felt like I was walking into the open, loving arms of the divine.

“Welcome home and thank you for being committed to remembering your truth and power” is the message I felt coming through from my spirit. I had discovered a renewed sense of passion, excitement and a focused vision for who I am and my soul’s mission here.

This is the moment that the full acceptance of the divine redirection of my journey truly landed. It no longer felt like a regurgitation of the same old things. I could finally see how truly capable I was to pursue the greater vision that had first landed in my heart so many years ago.

One of the biggest shifts for me in all of this was learning to surrender into the bigger picture. In that surrender is where I found the inspiration and motivation to walk the path that God was leading me into all along. This realization is where I discovered a deeper connection to inner peace and joy.

For me it felt like something had finally clicked into place. It was a transformation into the actual enjoyment of the journey instead of a race to get to the destination. I’ve realized that finding this sense of joy and peace doesn’t come from doing a specific thing, but rather it’s a process of opening up the heart to the presence of spirit and unconditional love. 

It’s moving past the temptation to close off the heart and shut down the connection to everything and everyone when things are a struggle. Instead what I found is a reclamation of my true self and a deeper connection to my spirit. A coming home to my divine truth as a child of God. I found a stronger faith and trust in who I am, more powerful than I’d ever known before.

I believe that each of us are here to live through the experience of life for a greater purpose other than just learning our soul lessons, even though that’s an important part of it too! I believe that ultimately, God leads us through a journey of discovering true peace and joy in who we are. It is through this enjoyment that we find the voice of our soul and the expression through which it is meant to be shared with the world.

This is something that could never be taken away and it’s also something that already exists within you. It is through the journey of awakening to our spirit that we then get to exemplify that truth. 

As humans, I think that experiencing all of the ups and downs of life is a normal part of the process. I don’t believe any of us are immune to challenging times or emotional turmoil, no matter how much inner peace we’ve connected to. What I believe is that our focus on the bigger picture and the truth of our soul becomes sharper and more clear as we navigate the ups and downs with God at our side.

As we remember that every challenge or struggle that we face is a call into more of who we truly are, we can find reverence for the masterpiece that God has planned and created us to be. This is our Awakening.

Thank you so much for joining me on this journey! I can’t wait to share more with you in the unfolding of the creations that I’m bringing to life.

In the coming days, I’m releasing something very special that will support you on your awakening journey as well. Stay tuned for the invitation in your inbox!

Love and blessings,

Comment below: What was your biggest takeaway from this whole series?