Cristina Aroche

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Release Fear & Anxiety

Release fear & anxiety with the support of Archangel Raguel, Archangel Haniel, and Archangel Michael.

This meditation creates a safe space of healing to help you let go of fear and anxiety with the support of Archangel Raguel, Archangel Haniel and Archangel Michael.

Use this meditation if you’ve been holding onto fear or anxiety around a particular situation.

After doing this guided meditation, you are going to feel at peace with the divine unfolding of this journey. You will also receive guidance and next steps to help support the situation.


  • Feel at peace with the divine unfolding of your journey

  • Receive guidance and next steps to support your forward momentum

  • Experience more calm and empowerment

Single meditation - $7

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4 meditations - $20

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