Angels & Their Colors
I'm excited to dive into this because I get this question a lot, as well as comments about this topic.
Recently a client of mine asked me why I share about certain archangels having a specific color but then a different source talks about those same Archangels having a different color. I wanted to answer that question because it's very common. People mention that in my videos all the time, or will share, no, that's a different color, not the one that you said. I want to share why that is, and help you in your understanding of how the angels come through for you in connection with you and the colors that you might feel and see when you are speaking to or connecting with a specific archangel and how that can support you. So let's dive in.
My Perspective As An Angel Channel
The first thing that I want to share is first and foremost, everything that I share on my YouTube channel or inside of my body of work, my courses, my Archangel Oracle card deck, my upcoming book, like everything I create and put forth is from my perspective. It's from the way that the archangels have shown up for me.
How they consistently show up for me is from my personal experience and it's how I have come to understand and know the archangels. Therefore, my teachings and what I bring forward is from that perspective. It's from what I know based on my connection with them.
Because I know that they consistently show up in that specific way for me and that there is no confusion when they show up in that way - I teach the specific colors associated with the Archangels as a guideline for people when they are getting to know the Archangels because sometimes it is helpful to have certain things to pay attention to or to be able to connect with in order to develop your own unique relationship with the Archangels.
That's why I share that. And if you have the Archangel Oracle Card deck, you know that in there, the different angel cards, they are depicted with their specific colors the way that I've been perceiving them from several years now, and the way that they consistently show up to give you a starting point of connection to be able to develop your unique relationship.
Supporting Your Unique Connection to the Angels
Now, yes, other people out there who teach about angels or who talk about their connection to the archangels, they might have different colors associated with the different archangels and that's okay! The reason why is because that's how their perception of the angels is. And honestly, to me, I don't feel like there's a right or wrong. It's about knowing that is the energy and how it consistently shows up for you and then trusting in that connection and trusting in your unique relationship with the angels.
I'm not the type of person who would ever say, “my way is the only way! If you don't follow this way, then you're wrong!” I believe that there's a lot of gray area when it comes to that connection with being able to perceive and receive information and how that shows up. Angelic energy is going to show up in unique ways for every single person.
My job isn't to make you do it my way, but instead to support you in developing YOUR unique way and helping you to trust in what your unique way is, even if it looks different from everyone else.
That's like the key and that's the thing that keeps a lot of people hesitant or not fully trusting themselves because they have these expectations or they feel like it needs to be a certain way. If you resonate more with a different color for a specific angel, then by all means, go with what resonates. That's the key thing!
I think a lot of us kind of tune out our own intuition or tune out what feels good to us. The key in being able to develop that knowing is through your practice connecting with the archangels. The more that you practice, the more that you are in tune with them, the more that you are experiencing the energy, the more familiar you will become with how their energy feels like for you, how it looks like for you. Whenever that energy, that color, that sensation shows up, you'll know, yeah, that's Archangel Michael, or that's Archangel Zadkiel coming forward. You'll have that experience and that knowing - but you won't know until you practice.
The Importance of Colors
For some people, they find it helpful to have a starting point with the colors, which is what I share for anyone who needs that or resonates with it, or is looking for that kind of support. But by all means, go for what feels good to you - that's the most important thing.
Now, when it comes to the different shades or the different colors that do show up with the archangels, the reason why they have colors in the first place is because color holds frequency. Color holds a certain vibrational energy. The colors in which they show up will have an impact and an influence in terms of what we receive, the healing that we receive, the sensations that we receive, the insights, the perspectives, the openness, all of that is influenced by the color, by the frequency.
Whatever color or frequency is showing up for you associated with a specific archangel, it's because that frequency is the one that is most resonant with you for whatever reason. That's one of those things where I can't know specifically, unless I talk to you and I know your situation, what's going on with you and what you're seeing and then I can explain that.
But in general, for your understanding, the color that's associated with how you perceive the angelic presence, how you begin to feel and sense their energy has an association with a specific vibrational frequency. That vibrational frequency will then support your chakras in different ways. It will help you to open up to truths in different ways.
For example, green energy is connected with the heart chakra. Anytime there is a healing around self -worth or self -love or not feeling worthy, not feeling good enough, all of those things, green will often be the color that comes in. Green is also associated with Archangel Raphael. That energy comes in and brings healing on that specific level.
Whereas angels that might come in more of like a purple tone or a purple energy, they have a connection to wisdom, to truth, to this greater sacred energy associated with the crown chakra.
Those are just a few examples of how the color and the specific frequency that it holds is then connected to specific layers of truth, of perspectives, of awarenesses that can come in. Of course, it's not black and white like that. It's not so distinct, like this color is only associated with this, but that's just a general idea. Like I said, it's more of a spectrum. It's more of this gray area where it kind of ebbs and flows, but that's a general way that you can start to think about the angels and their colors and how to begin to kind of understand how they're showing up for you.
Developing Your Trust In Yourself
When you are learning about the archangels first and foremost, the most important thing is that you are tuning into is your intuition to your heart and you are taking in what resonates with you and then leaving the rest. If the color doesn't resonate with you, leave it. If something else doesn't resonate with you, leave it.
The other part of this is really getting to know your unique relationship with each of the archangels. That's the key. It doesn't matter how many spiritual teachers there are out there, how many angelic channels, or what anyone else says. It's all going to have a slightly different form because we all have different experiences and different ways of understanding.
The most important truth for you to know is your truth.
Beginning to practice your connection with the Archangels to develop your unique relationship with them is going to open up the pathway for you to really deepen into that trust and into that connection. I have so many resources for you to support you with that process. The first place for you to start is on my YouTube channel. I have a whole Archangel playlist where you can go in and learn more about each of the Archangels. I describe the different colors, and share more about how you can connect with them, how you can know that they're around you, how you can begin to develop your connection with them.
If you want to go deeper, I have a meditation library that has meditations with each of the archangels so that you can get to know the angels and begin practicing connecting with their energy, specifically the ones that you want to connect with or get the whole bundle and connect with all of them.
Divine Connections Workshop
I also have an upcoming workshop called Divine Connections. This is where I'm going to support you in helping you to develop your unique connection with the divine, meaning the energy that is connected to the angels, the energy with your soul and the energy with the divine, with God, with source, with that greater divine energy that supports all of us.
In the Divine Connections workshop, we're going to dive deep into helping you not only understand on a deeper level how to develop your connection, especially for those of us who are busy, who are like, “I don't have time to do all these things. I just want to have a simple spiritual practice, but one that helps me to grow that I'm not bored of.”
The Divine Connections workshop will also help you to be confident in your connections. That's the key. If you can be confident in your relationship with the angels, with the divine, with yourself, your spirituality, then you're set. You're set for life. So come and join me inside of that workshop.
The Angels Guild Membership Community
The last thing that I wanted to share is that if you want to really commit to your practice, commit to your spiritual growth, commit to your angelic connection, then come join me inside of The Angels Guild. This is my membership community where we are talking about the different angelic realms, different angelic topics every month, and really diving deep in supporting you with developing your connection, supporting you with personalized guidance.
This is where you receive guidance, specific and unique messages that I'm channeling for you from the angels to guide you on your path. This membership community is also filled with trainings, filled with meditations, filled with different ways that you can connect as well as a community of people to support you in your connection. When you join the Angels Guild, the Divine Connections Workshop is included in that! That is an extra bonus for you if you want to really dive in deep with me.
Those are all of your options to develop your archangel connection, to develop your relationship with the divine and to help you in deepening your confidence in your spiritual growth, your spiritual evolution and how you show up in the world. I cannot wait to see you in any of these spaces!
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I am sending you so much love, so many angel blessings!
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The Archangel Oracle Card Deck & Guidebook is now available.