The Angelic Frequency Podcast

Ep. 7 - Connecting with Mother Mary & Mary Magdalene: Divine Feminine Wisdom Unveiled
In this episode, Cristina and Luisa take a deep dive into the sacred energy of Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, and the Divine Feminine. They share personal experiences, channeled messages, and explore how these divine beings continue to guide and awaken us today.

Ep. 6 - Embracing the Divine Feminine: Awakening Your Inner Power & Spiritual Remembrance
In this powerful episode of The Angelic Frequency Podcast, we dive deep into the Divine Feminine—what it truly means, how to embody it, and why its resurgence is essential in today’s world. Our special guests, Tiffany Grosso and Jen Sheridan, share their personal journeys into divine feminine work, sacred circles, and spiritual remembrance.

Episode 3: Angels & Parenthood: Navigating the Spiritual Journey of Raising a Child
In this episode, Cristina and Luisa explore the sacred journey of motherhood and how it intertwines with soul contracts and divine guidance. They share personal experiences of navigating parenthood, discuss the unseen spiritual forces that support both parents and children, and highlight the importance of leaning into the divine feminine.

Ep. 2 - Wellness and Angelic Support: Nurturing Your Mind, Body, and Spirit
Whether you're feeling overwhelmed, navigating a physical illness, or just seeking better self-care, Cristina and Luisa share personal stories, angelic guidance, and practical tools to help you nurture your mind, body, and spirit. Learn how Archangels Raphael, Gabriel, and Haniel can support your healing journey and how to incorporate angelic rituals into your daily routine.

Ep. 85 - The Angelic Perspective on Failure
In this episode, Cristina Aroche explores the experience of failure from the angels' perspective.

Ep. 84 - Identifying the Archangels Around You
In this episode, Cristina Aroche discusses her favorite Archangels and how to deepen your connection with them.

Ep. 83 - Exploring Kundalini Energy and Its Connection to the Divine Feminine
In this episode, Cristina Aroche discusses Kundalini energy and its connection to the divine feminine.

Ep. 82 - How to Stop Feeling Stuck and Shift into Alignment with Your Soul’s Path
In this episode, Cristina Aroche provides spiritual guidance for someone who feels stuck and unable to create.

Ep. 81 - The Key Things Every Healer Needs to Know
In this episode, Cristina Aroche discusses the key things that every healer needs to know.

Ep. 80 - Sensing Spirits
In this episode, Cristina Aroche answers a listener's question about seeing spirits in her home that resemble her daughters.

Ep. 79 - The Healing Power of Holding Space
In this episode, Cristina Aroche explores the concept of holding space. Holding space is about creating a safe and authentic environment for others to express themselves.

Ep. 78 - How to Know When and How to Call on Different Types of Spiritual Beings
In this episode, Cristina Aroche discusses the different types of spiritual beings, including personal angels, universal angels, and spirit guides.

Ep. 77 - Believing in Your Ability to Connect with Angels
In this episode, Cristina Aroche addresses the challenge of feeling the presence of angels and connecting with them.

Ep. 76 - Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
In this episode, Cristina Aroche answers a question about staying grounded and overcoming self-doubt and imposter syndrome when starting a new project.

Ep. 75 - Spiritual Protection Part 2: Protecting yourself from judgments and ridicule
In this episode, Cristina Aroche discusses spiritual protection from the perspective of protecting oneself from other people.

Ep. 74 - Spiritual Protection Part 1
In this episode, Cristina Aroche discusses the importance of spiritual protection when working with divination tools and connecting with spiritual energies.

Ep. 73 - The 3 Healer Archetypes
In this episode, Cristina Aroche discusses the three healer archetypes: Earth Healer, Ethereal Healer, and Frontline Healer.