The Angelic Frequency Podcast

Ep. 6 - Embracing the Divine Feminine: Awakening Your Inner Power & Spiritual Remembrance
In this powerful episode of The Angelic Frequency Podcast, we dive deep into the Divine Feminine—what it truly means, how to embody it, and why its resurgence is essential in today’s world. Our special guests, Tiffany Grosso and Jen Sheridan, share their personal journeys into divine feminine work, sacred circles, and spiritual remembrance.

Ep. 85 - The Angelic Perspective on Failure
In this episode, Cristina Aroche explores the experience of failure from the angels' perspective.

Ep. 84 - Identifying the Archangels Around You
In this episode, Cristina Aroche discusses her favorite Archangels and how to deepen your connection with them.

Ep. 76 - Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
In this episode, Cristina Aroche answers a question about staying grounded and overcoming self-doubt and imposter syndrome when starting a new project.

Ep. 70 - A Deeper Look at Angel Numbers and Their Meanings
In this episode, Cristina Aroche discusses the deeper meaning behind angel numbers and how to interpret them.

Ep. 69 - You are Enough
This episode of the Divine Connection podcast explores the theme of feeling worthy and enough.

Ep. 66 - When Things Don’t Manifest, What Do You Do?
In this episode, Cristina Aroche discusses how to maintain faith and belief in oneself and one's path when things don't go as planned or desired.