Ep. 76 - Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

In this episode, Cristina Aroche answers a question about staying grounded and overcoming self-doubt and imposter syndrome when starting a new project. She emphasizes the importance of understanding the benefits of staying small and the role of the ego in keeping us safe. Cristina suggests listing the benefits of staying small and calling on Archangel Gabriel for support. She also explores the reasons behind self-doubt and imposter syndrome, linking it to a desire for control and childhood wounds. Cristina encourages developing a relationship with the divine and practicing surrender and trust. She concludes by emphasizing the importance of taking baby steps and submitting questions for future episodes.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the benefits of staying small and the role of the ego in keeping us safe.

  • List the benefits of staying small and call on Archangel Gabriel for support.

  • Explore the reasons behind self-doubt and imposter syndrome, linking it to a desire for control and childhood wounds.

  • Develop a relationship with the divine and practice surrender and trust.

  • Take baby steps and practice surrendering to the divine.


00:30 Introduction and Question
04:45 Exploring the Role of the Ego
05:44 Healing Childhood Wounds
06:43 Developing a Relationship with the Divine
09:06 Practicing Surrender and Trust
14:44 Conclusion

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Ep. 77 - Believing in Your Ability to Connect with Angels


Ep. 75 - Spiritual Protection Part 2: Protecting yourself from judgments and ridicule