Read the Archangel Blog

by Cristina Aroche

Angels Cristina Aroche Angels Cristina Aroche

How the Angels & Your Healer Archetype Guide You to Your Purpose

Are you wondering how the angels guide you to your purpose? Do you feel drawn to healing work but aren’t sure how your unique gifts fit into the bigger picture? Today, we’re exploring how the angels provide divine support on your journey and why understanding your healer archetype is a key to unlocking your path.

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Spirituality Cristina Aroche Spirituality Cristina Aroche

How to Overcome Fear and Step Into Your Purpose as a Healer

Are you feeling called to step into your purpose but find fear holding you back? Whether you're a healer, lightworker, or spiritually aligned individual, it's common to face fears that prevent you from fully embracing your gifts. In this post, we'll explore how to overcome these fears and align with your soul's purpose using angelic guidance and inner healing.

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Spirituality Cristina Aroche Spirituality Cristina Aroche

Turn Your Purpose Into Your Career

For those of you who are here and you know that your purpose is to be a healer, to be a lightworker, to help others in some way, this blog post is for you! And for those of you who are watching and you're like, “I have no idea what my soul's purpose is. I just know that what I'm doing right now is not it.” This blog post is also for you. It's going to meet you wherever you're at.

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