Ep. 83 - Exploring Kundalini Energy and Its Connection to the Divine Feminine

In this episode, Cristina Aroche discusses Kundalini energy and its connection to the divine feminine. She explains that Kundalini energy is an energy that exists within all of us and is often depicted as sitting at the base of the spine. When activated, it rises up through the chakras, bringing elevation, expansion, and connection to the divine. Cristina shares her personal journey with Kundalini and how it has supported her in showing up for her purpose. She also discusses the intentional activation of Kundalini and the importance of trusting the natural process.

Key Takeaways

  • Kundalini energy is an energy that exists within all of us and can be activated to bring elevation, expansion, and connection to the divine.

  • Kundalini is closely connected to the divine feminine and can support those on a journey of exploring and embodying the divine feminine essence.

  • Activating Kundalini allows for a greater connection to creativity, soul's truth, and purpose, and supports staying motivated and consistent in showing up for one's calling.

  • Kundalini activation can happen naturally or be intentionally sought, but it should never be forced and requires trust in the natural process.

  • Calling upon divine feminine energies and angels can provide support and guidance in the Kundalini activation process.


00:30 Introduction to Kundalini Energy
01:56 Kundalini Energy: Rising and Expanding
07:31 Kundalini and Connection to Creativity and Purpose
09:50 Kundalini: Getting Out of Your Own Way
14:07 Divine Support in Kundalini Activation

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Ep. 84 - Identifying the Archangels Around You


Ep. 82 - How to Stop Feeling Stuck and Shift into Alignment with Your Soul’s Path