The accelerated pathway to living in alignment with your truth and divine potential.

Cristina Aroche will be your mentor on this journey of Quantum Expansion.

You are on the journey of discovering who you are.

You know you have a light you are meant to shine. You know you hold powerful gifts. You are ready to show up and be seen in the world.

This is your time to follow the path that is true to your divine soul plan.

You’ve been longing for mentorship on this journey.

To be witnessed and supported as you rise up in your power.

To be connected to your spiritual truth and the divine support that surrounds you.

To lean into a deeper level of faith and trust, that takes you far beyond what your mind can logically plan.

The energy and inspiration that is present with you is ready to be harnessed into its fullest potential.

To bring forward into the world a whole new level of experiences and alignment with your heart.

Cristina Aroche will be your mentor on this journey of Quantum Expansion.

You are a leader…

…forging a way for the spiritual evolution that is upon us.

This is your time to be clear and confident in your truth, your power and the gifts that you hold.

This is the time for your own spiritual and personal evolution, the accelerated pathway into the divine mission your soul has come to fulfill.


Quantum Expansion with Cristina Aroche

A powerful 1:1 mentorship opportunity to propel you forward on your path.

Cristina Aroche, holding a sage smudge stick, as if presenting it to you.

This is for you if you’ve been feeling:

  • Stuck or unclear about the next steps on your path

  • Overwhelmed with all of your ideas and creativity and don’t know where to start

  • Ready to access more of your gifts and spiritual connection

  • Ready to create a huge shift in your life, especially as it relates to how you show up in your gifts and what you are meant to share with the world

  • Excited to shift your career and expand into more opportunities that are aligned with your soul

ThIS VIP Experience was created for the spiritual leader, teacher and healer who is ready to become known and seen for who they truly are.

This is for the person who is ready to make big moves in their life and experience what it’s like to have 1:1 mentorship as an expander into their new reality.

What’s included:

  • three Powerful Deep Dive Sessions (1 to 1.5 hours each)

Cristina Aroche reading a spirituality book, in a dark green velvet seat

day 1 - Soul Alignment

Knowing your truth and who you are on a soul level.

Releasing and healing what has been holding you back from truly embodying your spiritual power.

Includes exploring past lives, soul integrations, inner child healing, etc.

Black and white photo of Cristina Aroche, with smoke in the background

Day 2 - Spiritual Connection

Exploring your relationship with your guides and angels.

Understanding who is around you and how you are meant to be working with them.

Practices to open up your abilities and become confident in your spiritual connection with the divine.

Cristina Aroche holding a sage stick over her head

Day 3 - Clarity & Moving Forward

Step-by-step guidance on what is meant to be created next in your life and/or business.

Includes guidance on creating/expanding the work you are meant to bring into the world.

Practices to support you with speaking your truth, sharing your heart and being seen for who you truly are.

The Investment

$1,299 - paid in full

Choose bi-weekly or monthly:

$725 - two payments

Other payment plans can be arranged. Please contact Cristina here.

Our VIP experience will start once payment plan is completed.

Spots are booked on a first come, first serve basis.