Sacred Feminine Power

Sacred Feminine wisdom has been suppressed for many centuries.

We have come to a point in our evolution where this Sacred Feminine power is beginning to rise.

We are ready. The truth is ready to be held and received by the world.

Our job now is to be anchors of this truth and light.

As women, we have been called forth into the expansion of this Divine Feminine power.

This is our birthright. This is who we are.

By allowing this energy to come forward, we are changing the face of this Earth.

Our roles as:

- Paradigm shifters
- Healers
- Mothers
- Leaders

…all take on a new meaning and energy when we understand how deeply connected we all are to the Sacred Feminine.

This is your time and your calling to rise up into what this connection means for you and your life.

So that you can honor your divine self and the Sacred Feminine Power that you hold.

Spiritual mentor and archangel channel Cristina Aroche is seated on the ground, wearing a white maxi dress and holding a sage smudge stick.

What is Sacred Feminine Power?

This energy is held within three aspects:

  1. Truth - Divine knowing and intuition

  2. Knowledge - Your lived experience on Earth

  3. Wisdom - Your soul and body merged as one

Together, these aspects make up your Sacred Feminine Power.

The disconnection that we’ve experienced within each thread is what has created the suppression of this Sacred Feminine energy.

It has caused women to not trust in themselves and their intuition, to be disconnected from their body’s innate wisdom and healing power, and to turn their backs against each other.

This is a powerful time of healing so that the Sacred Feminine Power within all women can rise once again.

The Sacred Feminine Power workshop is an exploration of who you truly are through the threads that connect us all. These are the threads that bring us into alignment and embodiment of the Divine Feminine energy.

What We’re Going to Cover:

Class 1 - Your Divine Mission

Understanding who we are truly meant to be in this lifetime as women

Class 2 - Sacred Sisterhood

Bringing back the connection of our souls and the sisterhood that supports the elevation into who we truly are

Class 3 - Enlightened Power

How you have come here to lead
Creating shifts and breaking paradigms

Class 4 - Soul Contracts

How the feminine energy leads in your everyday life

Class 5 - Sacred Soul Connections

How we heal and support the evolution of Mother Earth

Through each class, we will connect back to the three main threads that make up our Sacred Feminine Power (truth, knowledge, wisdom).


As you unlock and activate each code, you become more embodied in your Divine Feminine potential.

This means:

- Experiencing a deeper love within oneself

- Harmony and flow in your life and relationships

- Greater connection with your soul and who you truly are

- Standing strong and empowered in your truth

- Deeper embodiment of leadership and divine connection

Your Sacred Feminine Power is ready to be awakened. She is ready to be embodied and to trailblaze the path ahead.

Join this powerful workshop to step into this next level of your spiritual awakening.

Class starts November 17th!

The full schedule will be emailed to you when you sign up.

All replays will be available with lifetime access.

Plus, join a private Facebook group community to further deepen your Sacred Feminine connections and receive guidance to any questions you may have during our time together!