A Message from Archangel Raphael
I'm so excited to share this message that is coming through from Archangel Raphael. Before we get into that, I just want to share with you that there have been a ton of messages that are coming through from different Archangels that are coming in, each with different messages to support you on your journey of spiritual growth, connection, and alignment with your purpose and who you truly are.
Let's get into the message from Archangel Raphael that is coming through for you today.
Have You Been Feeling Stuck or Unclear On Your Next Steps?
This message is for anyone out there who has been experiencing a feeling of stuckness or lack of clarity or feeling like the next thing or the next move or the next place where you want to grow in your life feels very overwhelming because you’re anticipating a difficult experience or you just don't know what the next step is. This message is for you.
This is a common experience that we all have in some way, shape, or form that can be applied to really any area of your life. Whether it's your love life, your financial relationship, your career, your purpose, your health, any area of your life where we consider where we want to be or where we want to go in terms of our journey, and the types of experiences that we want to have.
We look at where we are and there's this gap, and we wonder how we get from point A to point Z. When we start to think about it or imagine at that journey, it starts to feel overwhelming. It starts to feel hard. You start to think to yourself, “I have no clue what I'm doing and how do I even know how to start?”
So we don't start; or we start and then we give up; or we start and then we self-sabotage. We start and then we procrastinate.
There’s a cycle that we end up feeling trapped in where we're not really moving ahead. Then that can cause frustration and it can cause this feeling of not knowing what you're doing now. And spiraling into that sense of “should I even be doing this? Should I give up? Is it even worth my time? What if I don't succeed?”
We get into this space where we feel blocked. We know where we want to go, but we have no idea how to actually accomplish it or how to actually create it in our life.
Elevating Beyond The Block
Archangel Raphael is coming forward to support you with this process and to help you have a perspective shift to help you see things from a different lens that will help you.
Rather than thinking of it as moving through the block, you're actually jumping over the block.
You're moving up into a different level, a different perspective where it's not that you have to work through this thing, but more so, you have to see things from a different perspective, from a different level and understand that there is actually a smoother ride that is available to you.
Your New Perspective
First you need to understand what that perspective is. That’s why Archangel Raphael is coming through for us today.
Now, the first thing to understand when we're in this kind of situation is understanding what the underlying fear is that holds you back.
When you look at this big overwhelming thing that has a million steps or this unknown path, you have no idea how to get from point A to point Z.
The feeling that comes up is the underlying fear which is often what starts this whole downward spiral. The energy of, “am I good enough for this? What if I fail? What if I don't know enough? What if people judge me? What if I disappoint other people?”
It’s this energy around us not being good enough, us not being worthy. And again, these thoughts and these beliefs aren't necessarily always obvious. We might not be thinking of that at all. We might think to ourselves, “yeah, of course I deserve this. Of course I'm worthy.” But there's this underlying energy that holds you back from that. There's a part of you that still believes that is the truth, even though it's not. But a part of you believes that it is.
And because of that, because of this desire to keep you safe and this desire to not create any pain, that part of you kind of holds you in and is like, “that feels too overwhelming. Let's just wait a little bit longer. Maybe clarity will come at some point, some magic point, clarity will come, or maybe the steps won't feel so overwhelming, or maybe someone will come and just tell us what to do.” And oftentimes with big things like that in our lives, that’s not really the case.
The case here is that it's about our growth and about our trust and about seeing ourselves as worthy and capable. Now, instead of having that conversation around knowing that you're worthy and that you're good enough for this and focus on that mindset. Like I am worthy. I am good enough. And yes, that could be a part of it. But here's the perspective shift that Archangel Raphael wants to bring to you.
You were chosen to experience this life, to experience this experience, and that you were chosen to create that, to become that, to live in that energy.
Again, this applies to any part of your life, whether it is in romantic relationships or your health journey or your career or your purpose or whatever other situation that you are wanting to grow in and that you are wanting to create change in your life.
It's understanding that if that vision and that desire exists within you, it's because you were chosen to live a life that is in alignment with that energy, with that feeling, with that experience.
Your Experience is Purposeful Divine Expansion
You were chosen and that then cycles back to this knowing that you are an extension of the divine. I always talk about this, how I see the divine God source energy as this big ball of light, this big ball of energy. And from that big ball of energy of love, of pure divine love, we are extensions. all, all of our souls are these extensions out from that one source.
Knowing that we are extensions of this light, knowing that the life that we live is an extension of the divine. The divine is here to expand and it expands through us, through our individual journeys. So if you have this desire to experience life in a certain way, to have a certain type of relationship, to have a certain type of experience with your body, to experience vitality, to experience a certain type of career, or to make an impact in some sort of way. If you have that drive and that desire inside of you, it's because the divine desires to expand through you through that experience.
You were chosen to live this life. You were chosen to live in this particular way.
When we repetitively tell ourselves, “I'm worthy,” that can still hold us in a space of expectation like, “okay, I'm worthy. So where is it? Where is it happening? Where? When is it coming?”
Versus coming into this perspective of, “I am chosen, I was chosen for this. I was chosen to live my life like this. I was chosen to be this kind of person. I was chosen to have these kinds of experiences. I was chosen to have this type of relationship. I was chosen to live in vitality.”
Feeling Grounded In Who You Are & Trusting In Your Divine Path
When we can experience the knowing that you were chosen for this, the divine desires to expand through you in this particular way. What happens is that now it creates this energy that elevates you into a space where, “okay, if I'm chosen, that means that I'm going to figure it out. And if I'm chosen, that means that I am supported in that path.”
Which means that now instead of figuring everything out, it means that I'm walking with the divine on that path that is for me because I was chosen for it. That now creates this very deep sense of stability and this foundation of this is the life that I was chosen to live. And therefore I'm able, I am capable of navigating whatever comes along my way. I have the resources right now to start and the resources that I will need in the future will come because I am in this together with the divine.
You no longer feel the separation where it's you’re trying to prove your worthiness or you’re trying to believe so hard that you are worthy. Like if I believe hard enough, then poof, it'll appear in my life. Instead, it's a journey of knowing I was chosen for this. Therefore, I put one foot in front of the other, knowing that the path will unfold for you in your favor for your highest good in order to experience that, because again, the divine desires to experience it through you. You were chosen for it.
Anchoring In Your Newfound Truth
That is the mantra and the energy that Archangel Raphael is supporting you with creating within yourself to support your new perspective. Calling on him can also help you to experience this mirror, like he will be a mirror to you so that you can truly see this and feel this in your body, feel this in your bones.
From here, this might change the way you make certain decisions. You might choose to take a certain action that you were afraid to do before.
Beyond that, when we step into this perspective and this mindset, what also happens is that the divine direction is now revealed to us. Sometimes we stay stuck because we're thinking, “okay, well, I haven't received any guidance yet. I'm waiting for clarity, or I’m waiting for the next step.”
And yes, part of that process is that we do wait for divine guidance. But also sometimes, we might use that as an excuse. Like sometimes we're like, “well, I haven't received guidance yet. So I'm just going to keep waiting.” And it's kind of like, there's a fine line. Where am I using that as a crutch and as an excuse? And why is it that?
I actually do need to wait for divine guidance. The thing that happens is when you come into this perspective of I was chosen for this, therefore I'm meant for it. Therefore I'm going to figure it out. Therefore I am supported in it. What happens is that now you're in this higher perspective which opens you up to clarity. It opens you up to divine guidance coming in. And all of a sudden it doesn't feel like this separation where you're like, “the divine is being silent right now, so I don't know.” Versus, “yeah, I can feel how I am in this co-creation. I'm in this connection with the divine. We are walking together side by side and the answer is very clear right now, whether I need to be waiting or the fact is my next step is this step right now. It just becomes so clear at that moment.
Take Action When The Next Steps Are Revealed To You
That is part of the process too. If you feel like you've been waiting a long time for some sort of guidance or some sort of direction. Focus on this. Call on Archangel Raphael, ask him to help reveal to you or to show you or lean into this perspective and this idea that you are chosen and focusing on that.
I am chosen, I was meant for this, I am going to figure it out, I am taking the next step. And then as you sit in that energy, notice what divine downloads come through. Notice what visions you start to see. Notice what next steps start to be revealed to you and trust in those next steps and then take those next steps.
We have to take action while repeating this mantra: I am chosen. I am meant for this. I am going to figure it out and continue to do that one step at a time. And all of a sudden that feeling of overwhelm and that feeling of uncertainty starts to dissolve.
And it no longer feels like this debilitating thing where you're just frozen, like a deer in headlights. You just don't know what to do. And so you don't do anything. Now it's an experience where you're taking one step at a time and also realizing that you don't have to be perfect at this.
This isn't about being perfect, taking the perfect next step. It's going to be messy at times. It's going to feel awkward. It's going to feel uncomfortable. But the whole point is that the journey of growth and the journey into who you desire to be isn't meant to be comfortable. It's not meant to be like, “la-di-da, this is super easy.” That's not the thing. And I think sometimes we can think that like, “well, if it was meant to be, it would be easier.” But sometimes it actually is through that challenge and through that experience that growth actually happens.
This is how Archangel Raphael is coming in to support you. This is the truth that he wants you to see and more importantly, embody and be in.
Archangel Raphael Resources
Calling on Archangel Raphael is going to be really powerful for this work. I have some videos that you can explore about Archangel Raphael that I'm going to link below.
You can go check out these resources to support you with connecting with Archangel Raphael and to support you with having this overall experience with him.
Archangel Raphael Resources
About Archangel Raphael blog post
Signs that Archangel Raphael is around you blog post
Archangel Raphael guided meditation
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I would love to hear from you in the comments below. Let me know if you resonate with this. If you feel like you've been in this kind of situation or currently are in this kind of situation, let me know how this message lands with you. And as always, if you have any questions about Archangel Raphael, about this message or anything else about your spiritual journey, please feel free to post that in the comments below and I cannot wait to support you.
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I'm sending you so much love and angel blessings!
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