The Angelic Frequency Podcast

Ep. 82 - How to Stop Feeling Stuck and Shift into Alignment with Your Soul’s Path
In this episode, Cristina Aroche provides spiritual guidance for someone who feels stuck and unable to create.

Ep. 81 - The Key Things Every Healer Needs to Know
In this episode, Cristina Aroche discusses the key things that every healer needs to know.

Ep. 73 - The 3 Healer Archetypes
In this episode, Cristina Aroche discusses the three healer archetypes: Earth Healer, Ethereal Healer, and Frontline Healer.

Ep. 72 - Become a Healer & Divine Channel
In this episode, Cristina Aroche discusses the process of becoming a healer and a divine channel, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness, trust, and belief in one's abilities.

Ep. 68 - Are You on the Right Path?
In this episode, Cristina Aroche answers a question about finding one's purpose in life and knowing if they are on the right path.

Ep. 12 - The Power of Living Authentically with The Soul Mystic
Melissa is a soul mystic who encourages and inspires others to live an empowered life and shine their unique light in the world.
Her journey has cultivated an open heart helping her to learn and grow from her experiences, and then bring that healing and learning to others.
She has chosen to create a life where she can freely share her soul’s truth and express herself authentically as a muse to help others to do the same in their lives.
She finds inspiration in nature, animals, the cosmos, music, art, travel and all things magical and mystical.

Ep. 11 - Following Your Soul’s Calling with Christine Lee
Christine Lee is an intuitive inner awareness and alignment guide, mentor & reiki master healer. Her life’s purpose is to empower people to reconnect with their true joy, trust their intuition, and show up with confidence being their authentic selves while doing what they love.
She believes we are all born with unique gifts that we are meant to share with the world and that our personal experiences help align our passions with our purpose.
Using modern practical tools along with ancient spiritual practices, she helps her clients get into alignment within their mind, body and spirit so that they can achieve their fullest potential and live abundantly.