The Angelic Frequency Podcast


Ep. 45 - Creating a Brighter Future for Our Children
Angels Cristina Aroche Angels Cristina Aroche

Ep. 45 - Creating a Brighter Future for Our Children

Today we are discussing creating a brighter future for our children. Whether you have children or not, know that the children of the Earth belong to all of us, and they are the future of humanity! Who we are and how we live our lives has a direct impact on our planet, and the development of humanity.

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Ep. 41 - The Different Angelic Realms and How to Work with Them
Healing Cristina Aroche Healing Cristina Aroche

Ep. 41 - The Different Angelic Realms and How to Work with Them

This episode is coming from my own experience with the angels, and what I have channeled through my work with them. My connection to the angels has naturally unfolded for me over time. It was not a topic that I was seeking to understand or learn about. It just happened on its own, this awareness and understanding of the angels as they have stepped forward to work with me.

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Ep. 34 - How to Feel Worthy
Spiritual guidance Cristina Aroche Spiritual guidance Cristina Aroche

Ep. 34 - How to Feel Worthy

Today I am answering the question, how to feel worthy. I think we should first start by replacing the word “worthy” to “valuable.” The definition of value is what something is worth, or how important something is. So worthiness is an end product of value. We need to acknowledge and embody our value before we can understand our worth.

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