Read the Archangel Blog
by Cristina Aroche
3 Levels of Spiritual Connection
I want to talk about these three levels of spiritual connection today because I feel like it's important to not only focus on your angelic connection, but to actually understand the other ones that exist that all work together and support one another to enhance your overall connection.
Angels & Their Colors
I'll help you in your understanding of how the angels come through for you in connection with you and the colors that you might feel and see when you are speaking to or connecting with a specific archangel and how that can support you.
Pick A Card Angelic Guidance For Change & Transformation
I am going to be showing you some angelic cards. You are able to pick the pile that resonates most with you. Then I'm going to be sharing the guidance that is coming through for you specifically.
Angel Celeste - Deepen Your Connection
I'm so excited to share more about Angel Celeste and how you can deepen your connection to her and also know that she is around you.
Seraphim Angels
If you are a lightworker, a healer, here to help others in some way, shape or form, that means that you have Seraphim angels that are here to support you as well!
How Angels Respond to You
We're talking about how angels come through so that you know the angels are around you. You know that they are responding to your prayer, responding to your request for support.
Five Signs That Angels Are Communicating With You
I'm so excited to dive into this topic today! I'm going to be sharing five signs that the angels are communicating with you.
Archangel Jeremiel - How to Deepen Your Connection
In this post you are going to learn more about Archangel Jeremiel and how to deepen your connection. Even though he helps us to uncover or see things that are related to the past, his energy then supports us with moving forward.
Mary Magdalene and Her Connection to the Angels
In this post you are going to learn more about Mary Magdalene and her connection to the angels. I'm so excited to share more about her presence, her energy, and her being, as well as my personal experience in terms of connecting with her and deepening your connection with Mary Magdalene.
Melchizedek - 3 Ways to Deepen Your Connection to this Ascended Master
In this post you are going to learn more about Melchizedek and how you can deepen your connection to this ascended master. As well as how he supports you with your spiritual connection.
Deepening Your Connection With Archangel Azrael
In this post you are going to learn how to deepen your connection to Archangel Azrael.
Connecting to the Herschiel Angel Alexandra
I'm so excited to dive into a conversation all around the Herschiel Angels and specifically the Herschiel Angel Alexandra. Now, if you've been following me for a long time, then you've probably heard the name Alexandra pop up in my different courses, workshops, and my YouTube videos.
Signs from Archangel Haniel & How to Connect
I'm so excited to talk about all things connected to Archangel Haniel and more specifically to dive into the ways that you can deepen your connection to her as well as understanding her symbol and how to know that she is around you.
How to Deepen Your Connection with Archangel Sandalphon
Today we are going to be talking about how Archangel Sandalphon is here to support you, the ways in which you can work with him to deepen your connection. And he's also bringing through a symbol to help you to know that he is around you.
Archangel Metatron and Sacred Geometry
In this post we are going to be learning about Archangel Metatron, his connection to Sacred Geometry and how you can utilize this connection to support you on your spiritual path.
Cosmic Angels - How They Support You
In this post we are going to be learning about Cosmic Angels.
Introduction to the Angelic Realms
In this post we are going to be diving into the different angelic realms.
Archangel Zadkiel & Working with Violet Flame Energy
In this post you are going to learn about Archangel Zadkiel and how to work with the violet flame energy.
Archangel Raziel - 3 Ways to Deepen Your Connection with Him
In this post you are going to learn three ways that you can deepen your connection to Archangel Raziel.
Archangel Raguel - 3 Ways to Deepen Your Connection with Him
In this post you are going to learn three ways that you can deepen your connection to Archangel Raguel.