Archangel Jeremiel - How to Deepen Your Connection
In this post you are going to learn more about Archangel Jeremiel and how to deepen your connection.
About Archangel Jeremiel
Archangel Jeremiel has this kind of beige-y color. That's often how I see him in terms of his energy when he comes through. He comes forward in that specific color. His energy is one of those energies where he helps us to understand things from our past, but not dwell on the past.
Even though he helps us to uncover or see things that are related to the past, his energy then supports us with moving forward. He's a great angel to call upon when you're wanting to move forward, when you are feeling like you're stuck and feeling like the same cycles are looping over and over and over again. And you're done with the patterns and ready to start moving forward. Archangel Jeremiel is the one that you're going to call upon.
Releasing the Past
In my Archangel Oracle Deck, Archangel Jeremiel’s card says “release the past.” Aside from releasing and being done with the past, the thing that he helps you to understand is what is it that you are letting go of and what are you replacing it with.
That's the key when you are letting go of the past you have to replace it with something. If you are letting go of a pattern of disempowerment then what are you replacing it with? Being in your power, being in your truth, seeing your potential and actually moving towards it. There's almost a switch that's happening. Like we're not just letting something go, we're also bringing something in and whatever we're bringing in is what's going to drive us and help us to create the momentum in order to move forward.
Healing Through Past Lives
Now the other thing about Archangel Jeremiel when it comes to releasing the past, that is referring to your current past within this lifetime, but also from past lives. When it comes to doing past life regressions, Archangel Jeremiel often comes forward. Whenever I do any type of angelic healing that's related to a past life, to understanding something that happened in the past, Archangel Jeremiel is pretty much guaranteed to be one of the angels who comes through to support my client with that particular process.
The way that I do past life regressions is that we go on a spiritual journey. We are leaving this current space energetically and we're moving into that past reality energetically speaking into that realm. And from there, that's where the healing occurs. We heal it at that point.
You meet your past life self and you understand what was going on in that past life. Not just for information purposes, but also in that moment, you receive angelic healing, you restore the balance, you restore the energy, you release any sort of karmic imbalances that might be happening. In that moment, that's where you create, and then that energy is what carries forward into this present life.
Especially if you're someone who has experienced these repetitive patterns over and over and over again and you are wondering why does this keep happening? What is going on? Then exploring your past lives might be something that needs to happen for you to be able to fully move forward from whatever it is that's been going on that's been holding you back.
Taking Your Power Back & Changing Your Life
The other thing that Archangel Jeremiel helps you with is with taking your power back. He supports you with taking your power back from different circumstances or situations.
Going back to the example that I shared, if you're doing a past life regression and you're in that space and you are receiving the healing, that's where your power is restored. It's brought back into its most beautiful and empowered state. From there, that's where you get to see things from a different perspective, and also make decisions from a different perspective.
That's one of the key things to understand when it comes to healing work is that it changes how you perceive, how you move forward, and your movement in the world. If you used to perceive yourself as someone who was afraid of taking risks or was afraid of getting hurt or always focused on the worst case scenario, and you based your decisions off of that perspective then that's going to create a certain unfolding of decisions versus when you heal and then shift your perspective.
You might now be approaching decisions from an entirely different point of view where you see that you are fully supported, you are worthy and you are capable. You might take a bit of a risk in a certain area of your life. You might be more vulnerable. You might put yourself out there more. And in that process you are changing the trajectory of your life and you're changing the trajectory of the unfolding. Now you made a different decision and that decision leads to something else.
You can see how powerful that unfolding is! It all starts because you took your power back, because you healed whatever was ready to be healed from the past; you released it and you brought in what you needed to support you with moving forward.
Archangel Jeremiel: An Underrated Angel
This is the power of Archangel Jeremiel! This is how amazing he is to work with. I feel like he's an underrated angel for some reason. I know we all love Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Uriel and Archangel Gabriel - they're like at the top. But Archangel Jeremiel is really amazing to work with through this process. He really supports you with setting yourself free.
What he's bringing forward is that he wants you to understand that he is there to support you, to help you to have the courage or to take the action and do the thing that needs to happen for you to set yourself free from whatever has been holding you back.
It's not that he's coming in as the knight in shining armor and he's coming in to save you and now you're free. That's not how it works with the angels. They're not here as our saviors to rescue us and change our lives. They are here to help us to remember how powerful we truly are and for us to feel empowered in our own selves so that we can make the decisions that are necessary and appropriate to support the trajectory into our true potential.
That's just something to remember when it comes to your healing journey and calling on the angels for support.
Connecting to Archangel Jeremiel through Channel Writing
When it comes to deepening your connection to Archangel Jeremiel, here are a few ways that you can do so. The first one is through channel writing. Channel writing is a process where you have a pen and your notebook or a journal. You are receiving guidance and immediately writing it down.
I see it as being different from automatic writing. To me, there's a difference, but it's subtle. Automatic writing feels like you have no control over your hand, whereas channel writing, you are still in control, but it's not your consciousness that's directing what's being written. You are tuning in to the messages of Archangel Jeremiel directly, and then you're writing it down. Then you're reading it, and you know that's what Archangel Jeremiel said. You're aware of what's being written, but you're not overwriting it, and you're not trying to make sense of it in the moment.
The key to channel writing is that you're writing it down and then you go back and you read it afterwards to make sense of what the message is for you. So channel writing is one way that you can connect with Archangel Jeremiel.
Connecting to Archangel Jeremiel through Meditation
The other way to deepen your connection with Archangel Jeremiel is through meditation and asking to be guided in your meditation to understand what needs to be released, to understand what needs to replace that part of you that is released, and to support you with any past life healing or understanding that needs to happen so that you can move forward fully.
If you are new to this or you just haven't experienced doing intense healing work like that, then it's really powerful and empowering to have someone who can guide you through that process.
A special limited time offer
I am offering a really special offer for those of you who are interested in doing a past life healing regression with me, Archangel Jeremiel and any other angels that are going to come through to support you.
When you enter in the coupon code, Jeremiel, you will receive a discount to book a past life healing regression. Go check it out, enter in coupon code Jeremiel and book your session so that I can support you alongside Archangel Jeremiel and the angels to support you with your past life healing. Whatever it is that needs to be shifted, whatever it needs to be released so that you can move forward fully in your potential.
I'm really excited for that! The coupon code is only available for a limited time for the next five or six days. It ends at the end of July. So this is a limited time coupon that is available right now.
Share in the comments…
I want to hear about your experiences with Archangel Jeremiel, your experiences with past life healing regressions if you've done one of those. And if you do connect with him through channel writing or through meditation, let me know how that goes for you. Post that in the comments.
Also if you have any other requests for videos about the angels or other spiritual topics, post them in the comments as well.
Otherwise, that is it for now. If you enjoyed this blog, then please share this with your friends, your family, your community, whoever you know that needs to hear this today. Thank you so much for being here. As always, I am sending you so much love and angel blessings!
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