Archangel Chamuel - 3 Ways to Connect With Him
In this post you are going to learn about the three different ways that you can connect with Archangel Chamuel.
About Archangel Chamuel
I have always seen Archangel Chamuel in an orange tone. I also know that in general, there is a spectrum of colors that comes through, ranging from a pinkish tone all the way to orange or even red. So any hue within that spectrum of colors is Archangel Chamuel.
Archangel Chamuel & Your Next Steps
He is associated with the next steps being revealed, which is a huge part of Archangel Chamuel and how he supports us. He is here to support us in making decisions that are aligned to our soul's truth, to our purpose, to our highest potential. He's also here to help us to get into action.
Archangel Chamuel supports us with being able to take actionable steps, not to just think about things, but to also be practical and understand what is the next step that makes sense? What is it that I need to do to put into action to start moving forward?
Archangel Chamuel & Our Creative Energy
Archangel Chamuel supports us with our creative energy. That beautiful orange that I described is very much connected to the sacral chakra, which is also orange, and that is connected to our creativity. So when it comes to being creative, and creating, Archangel Chamuel is really amazing to call upon to help activate the sacral chakra, help activate the flow of inspiration, the flow of ideas, and to be in that creative zone where it's like your creative zone of genius and you just get to have fun and be creative and put things out there.
Oftentimes that is connected to taking action and doing something. So you can see how all of these things are very much related to one another. And that's a huge part of Archangel Chamuel and how you can call on him to support you.
First Way To Connect To Archangel Chamuel: Channel Writing
Now, if you've never done that practice before, it's something that I highly recommend and that I believe that everyone has the ability to do. It's just a matter of practice. When it comes to channel writing, it really is a matter of sitting down with a pen and paper, calling upon Archangel Chamuel to come in and surround you with his energy.
Then asking for guidance, or a specific question and then writing down the first thing that comes to mind, the first stream of consciousness that starts to flow through you. Do not overthink it, or analyze it, but just write it down. The more that you do this, the better practice you will gain.
I know that when I first started doing this, I would receive one to maybe three words and they didn't even make sense together. I don't remember exactly, but maybe something like peace and love, divine. The real practice here was trusting in what I was receiving, even if it didn't actually make sense. Because over time, I started to receive sentences and paragraphs and actual messages that then came together.
First, it's about moving past the barrier that says, “Oh, I can't do this,” or “it's too hard,” or “I can't hear anything,” or whatever. Practice tuning into yourself and trusting whatever comes through, writing it down and you keep doing that on a daily basis.
Archangel Chamuel comes through very strongly in channel writing. This practice supports us to help us have a more direct understanding when you can see the words, and the guidance in front of you.
Archangel Chamuel is a very practical, actionable kind of angel. So being able to have this concrete way of receiving guidance from him helps us to then put things into practice. So that's the first way that you can develop your connection with him is through channel writing.
Second Way To Connect To Archangel Chamuel: Walking Over A Bridge
Now, the second way is going to be another practical thing for you to do. This is more so related to a specific context, if you are in a space where you are trying to figure out what is the best decision for you. You're wanting to make a decision that's aligned to your highest good and that may be a scary decision. Maybe it's something that feels very uncertain because Pathway A seems to make sense, and Pathway B also seems like it makes sense. And you just kind of feel a little bit confused. So this is where you're going to physically go out if you can to a bridge.
The bridge represents us stepping onto the pathway. So think of when you make a decision, you are creating a bridge, you're creating a bridge into a new pathway. So as you literally cross over a bridge feel into the energy of what is the decision that I'm stepping into. As I cross this threshold, what am I stepping into? And in this practical way, you're going to feel yourself stepping into the energy of the decision that's most aligned with you. And so in that way, you are physically stepping into it as well as energetically understanding the decision that's actually aligned with you by taking yourself to that space and literally walking over the bridge, which represents you making that decision and crossing the threshold onto that new pathway.
If you do not have access to a local bridge…
Now, if you don't have a bridge that's next to you or you can't get to one, you can do this in meditation or visually. In meditation, take yourself to a beautiful space where you are standing in front of the bridge and as you in your meditation are walking over the bridge, feel into the energy. What does this bridge represent? You can call on Archangel Chamuel and ask him to walk with you. Feel how he's holding your hand. Feel how he's guiding you over the bridge into the decision, into the new pathway that you are stepping into, and feel how you're doing it together. He's with you.
So this is another way, more practical, to work with him and feel his guidance and how he energetically brings you into the awareness of which decision is for your highest good.
Third Way To Connect To Archangel Chamuel: Sacral Activation Practice
I think a lot of people are going to love this! You're going to reach for something that represents sweetness to you, whether it's honey and like making yourself something with honey, or if you're a chocolate person like I am, maybe that's what you go for.
Regardless of what you are choosing, connecting with sweetness and feeling how in the experience of you having that sweetness, you are activating your sacral chakra. You're activating the flow of energy, the creativity to come to life, to allow that sweetness to inspire you, to bring you into a space where whatever it is that wants to be expressed through you gets to be expressed creatively. Setting an intention where as you do so, you are calling on Archangel Chamuel to support you. You are calling upon his presence to help the activation of your sacral chakra for that energy to open up and for you to tap into the inspiration. Asking Archangel Chamuel: What's the creative flow? What is it that I'm guided to do right now?
You might feel a guidance of picking up your paintbrush if that's something that you like to do creatively, or writing, or whatever it is that you like to do that's a creative project or activity that helps to bring that sacral energy to life so that you are in this expressive flow.
That's essentially a huge part of our soul's potential and what we're here to do is to be creatively expressed and to create and to express ourselves in that way. It doesn't have to be anything fancy or crazy or even planned ahead. It's really a matter of picking up the paintbrush or picking up the musical instrument or picking up the pen and paper and writing - whatever it is that you feel called to create and to bring to life.
You're going to activate it first by connecting with something sweet, honey, chocolate, maple syrup -whatever it is that you love. This is a really fun and powerful way to do so. And that's the whole point is that it's fun! It's easy. I'm sure there's not a lot of resistance to doing that. And it can really help to bring that inspiration to life with the support of Archangel Chamuel.
Share in the comments…
I would love to hear from you in the comments below. Let me know which of these three things maybe you've already been doing or that resonated with you the most.
If you go and do one of these things, let me know how it goes for you. If you have any other questions about connecting with Archangel Chamuel or any of the Archangels, you can post them in the comments below!
As always, I am sending you so much love and angel blessings!
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