How to Deepen Your Connection with Archangel Sandalphon
In this post we are going to learn how to deepen your connection to Archangel Sandalphon.
Archangel Sandalphon is coming forward and he is bringing through such a beautiful and powerful presence and energy, and I'm so excited to share it with you. Today we are going to be talking about how Archangel Sandalphon is here to support you, the ways in which you can work with him to deepen your connection. And he's also bringing through a symbol to help you to know that he is around you.
About Archangel Sandalphon and How He Supports You
The most important thing to know is the way that I see his energy is that it comes both in a blue and golden energy. The blue is more of a turquoise blue, not an Archangel Michael kind of blue - that's an important distinction. That is how Archangel Sandalphon comes through for me. I always see him in both of those colors.
Archangel Sandalphon is all about being true to yourself. He is about supporting us in having strong boundaries and being able to speak up for ourselves and helping us to feel confident in our voice and helping us to stand strong in who we are to be able to express that.
Solar Plexus & Throat Chakra Support
When it comes to working together, Archangel Sandalphon often comes to support both our solar plexus chakra as well as our throat chakras. These chakras are very much linked together. A - because the third chakra is the center of expression and B - because the solar plexus is the space of confidence, of trust, and of our power. In order for our voice to come out strong and confident and empowered, we need both of those chakras connected and working together.
That's one of the things that Archangel Sandalphon helps us with energetically is he helps to support those energy centers within ourselves. When it comes to working with Archangel Sandalphon, that is one of the ways in which you can ask for that support is to support you energetically focusing on those areas, on your solar plexus chakra or your throat chakra or both to make sure that they're linking up and that they're connected, that your energy of confidence and power is being translated through your voice, through your truth, through how you show up.
Your Powerful & Authentic Expression
Archangel Sandalphon is definitely one of those angels where it's more of this like outward energy. Some angels come in and they're more inward facing. They help us to go within. They help us focus on ourselves. With Archangel Sandalphon, it's not the case. He helps us with the outward expression, with how we are showing up in the world, with who we are becoming, with how that is being expressed.
When it comes to speaking your truth, when it comes to being confident, when it comes to using your voice, when it comes to feeling empowered, Archangel Sandalphon is the one that you want to call on.
Deepening Your Connection
Call on Archangel Sandalphon the very moment you need to express your truth and feel your power
Now the way in which you can deepen your connection with him is going to be more in a practical sense. So although yes, he will come through sometimes and share guidance, in the sense of this is what is your next step or this is what you need to be focusing on or whatever. The best time to call on Archangel Sandalphon is as you are in the process of the doing.
He's more of a practical support kind of angel. Whereas you are in the process of speaking, as you are in the process of sharing your truth, or showing up in a certain way, he is there to help support your energy.
When we call on him, he comes in and he's like, “okay, I'm going to add extra support!” Imagine him coming in and placing his hands around you, and he's energetically holding you. He's there and he's saying, “I got you, I'm here, structured, supported, you got this.”
If you think about the balance between the divine masculine and the divine feminine, he definitely brings a divine masculine supportive type of energy, so that we can feel free and empowered and supported with our true expression. That's how he supports us when it comes to speaking our truth or using our voice.
Expressing Your Boundaries
So as an example, let's just say that you have realized that it's time for you to hold firmer boundaries or maybe you need to create new boundaries because you're realizing that you're being overstepped or that the current arrangement is just not working for you. Of course when it comes to boundaries, that's usually uncomfortable at first because you're new to speaking up for yourself or creating boundaries. The people who are being given the boundaries are not used to that, and it also makes them feel weird and uncomfortable. When we call on Archangel Sandalphon to be with us, as we voice our boundaries, as we speak our truth, as we stand up for ourselves, where he's holding you, you're standing up tall, standing strong, standing firm in who you are.
He is supporting us to be able to show up for that truth, to help us to express ourselves from a place of power, not from a place of force, not from a place of highly emotional and very reactive, but from a space of power and from a space of this is my boundary. This is what you need to know right now. And I'm holding that boundary. And I say that with love and respect, but this is my boundary. And then that's it. It helps you to not feel like you have to over explain yourself or you have to make sure that the other person is comfortable or anything like that. It helps you to understand that this is a boundary because it's you being true to yourself.
Confidence In Your Expression
Another example of how you can work with Archangel Sandalphon is let's say you're telling a story. Maybe you're practicing your public speaking, maybe you're telling a story in front of coworkers or in a meeting or whatever the situation is. And maybe you're not used to being vulnerable or you're not used to telling a story or maybe there's just certain parts where you have felt shame before, whether it was related to the way that you speak or having that attention on you or sharing this part of yourself, whatever the case is.
When we call on Archangel Sandalphon, you would simply just say:
“Archangel Sandalphon, please come forward and support me as I ___. Support me as I hold my boundaries. Support me as I tell my story. Support me as I speak my truth, etc. And again, visualize or feel him coming in and holding you and he says, “I got you. Stand strong, stand firm, chin up. You got this!” Kind of like a coach’s energy.”
He helps you to release any shame, he helps you to release any guilt, any fears, anything that might hold you back from truly honoring the place of expressing yourself and honoring your story or whatever it is that you're trying to say or what you're trying to share to just fully be expressed and then also be fully received.
Feeling Safe & Speaking Up For Yourself
Another example is when it comes to standing up for yourself. Maybe you're used to just people making decisions for you or not really honoring what you want. And you need to be able to speak up. Speaking up for yourself in situations where it has felt uncomfortable before or in situations where people are used to you not speaking up for yourself, now all of a sudden you're doing it.
Archangel Sandalphon really brings in a layer of protection. Aside from the supportive energy that I described, it's also a protective space where as you put yourself out there more, as you express more of your true self, yes, it's vulnerable, but you also feel safe in doing so. I feel like that's one of his strengths is that he helps to create a sense of safety in our expression, a sense of safety in our voice, a sense of safety in our truth and in who we are. The more that we practice that, the better we get at it. Then the less scary it feels and the more confident we are.
It is something that takes practice. If you're going to wait until you feel confident, you're going to be waiting forever. At first, you might not feel as confident, but with the help of Archangel Sandalphon, you'll be like, okay, I got some energetic protection here. I've got some support. I can do this. I've got this.
Practicing Your Powerful & Authentic Expression
One of the things that you can do with Archangel Sandalphon is to practice with yourself. Practice speaking whatever it is out loud. Whether it's your boundary that you're upholding, your story that you're telling, standing up for yourself, whatever it is. Practice it with yourself and with Archangel Sandalphon. Call him in when you're doing your practice sessions in front of the mirror or in the shower or whatever and ask him to support you and then ask him to show you and guide you anything else that you need to know with regards to that specific situation.
Archangel Sandalphon is amazing to call on when it comes to all of that circumstantial energy around showing up authentically, speaking our truth, and being able to hold boundaries. Calling on Archangel Sandalphon is going to change the game for you!!
Archangel Sandalphon’s Symbol: The Blue Heron
When it comes to his symbol and knowing that he's around you what he showed me was the blue heron and at first I was like, that's interesting and really random, a blue heron, okay. As I sat with that and I did further research, what I realized is that the blue heron is the perfect symbol for Archangel Sandalphon. Not only does it have a long neck, which we're talking about standing tall and strong and proud and using our voice and having this beautiful empowered energy when we show up, but the blue heron also represents confidence and it represents trust and it represents power.
And so understanding that, if you see a blue heron, that would be super cool! But even if you just hear the word heron or you come across it somewhere or something shows up that reminds you of the blue heron, it's a reminder from Archangel Sandalphon to help you to know that you get to be confident in who you are and you get to be true to yourself. And that's something that you are meant to honor. It's simply a practice. You practice knowing what that feels like, especially when we have spent most of our lives abandoning our own self or not standing up for ourselves, not speaking our truth - it can feel weird! It can feel uncomfortable. It can feel like you're even doing something wrong. But the thing is that with his support and with practice and with time that can change and it can feel like the most natural thing that you could do and the only way that you're going to know that is by starting to do it now.
Call on Archangel Sandalphon, ask him to support you, ask him to guide you, ask him to hold you, protect you, and to show you the truth of who you are and to bring through that confidence in the way that you speak next time.
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I want to hear from you in the comments below. Let me know how you have experienced Archangel Sandalphon. Let me know if you have any other questions about him, and I would really love to hear how you may have worked with him in the past or using what I shared in this video to support you the next time around. Let me know, post that in the comments below.
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I'm sending you so much love, and so many angel blessings!
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